
About Us

The Collins International school, is directly managed by Swami Vivekanand Educational Trust registered under society registration act 1980 with the good will and co operation of intelligentia under the able guidance and leadership of band of devoted Principal and his coleagues.The School has C.B.S.E. Board, New Delhi based curriculum. The medium of our educationa is English. This Diary has been compiled not only to furnish certain desired information, but alos to apprise the parents and students of certain specific rules and regulations which should be closely followed and observed, so as to assit the institution in establishing a harmonious relationship with the parents and students at all times.


School will remain closed on Friday, October 2, 2024 on account of Gandhi Jayanti.

School Facilities

The school has the world class facilities for the complete learning experience for your child. So that student develop all round with high level of knowledge and experience.

School Bus

School is providing a completely facilitated bus services covering the entire city with different stops at regular and punctual time intervals for picking up students and teachers


By creating an environment where children can experience unstructured play, you're not only supporting their physical health but also increasing their chances to succeed .

Healthy Canteen

School canteen facility aims to provide children of working parents to buy nutritious and healthy food at competitive prices during the school day.

Positive Learning

Building positive relationships with your students, as well as with their parents, is integral to creating a productive environment for learning and personal growth.

Learn More About Our Work And Our Cultural Activities

The Collins International school is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi and offers schooling from Nursery to Class XII. The last twenty three years have been a journey where perseverance and progress have been the cornerstones. Today it can proudly claim to be one of the most sought after schools in Eastern India.

Each expedition is a new adventure, a new voyage of discovery. Each journey a chance to dream and glimpse new horizons. EACH EXPLORATION OPENING UP FOR US, A VISTA TO THE UNIVERSE! Every year our Karenites take us on a real voyage of discovery and we are left marveling at their innumerable talents and abilities. Our teachers have played the role of instructors leading them on this journey of awakening and recognising their own talents and we are proud of each and every one of them..


Our Teacher Provide

The function of teachers is to help students learn by imparting knowledge to them and by setting up a situation in which students can and will learn effectively. But teachers fill a complex set of roles, which vary from one society to another and from one educational level to another.

School Classes

Teaching does not need to be limited to textbooks and blackboards. With our fun school activities for kids, learning in school becomes an interesting and enjoyable exercise..

Student Parents Say!